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Theta Mu Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi

Fall 1975 "Ice and Snow 22 Below"

Theta Mu was chartered December 11th, 1975, on the campus of Arkansas State University by Dr. Wilbert Gaines and Mr. Willie Davis.


FALL 1976 - Spasmadic Four

SPRING 1984 - Seven Knights of Pleasure

FALL 1977 - Internal Koldness

FALL 1978 - One Kold Dream

SPRING 1979 - Fourever Kold

Spring 1980 - Double Dynasty
Ron Norman

Spring 1980 - Absolute Zero

FALL 1978 - One Kold Dream

FALL 1978 - One Kold Dream

FALL 1978 - One Kold Dream

FALL 1978 - One Kold Dream

Spring 1981 - Ice Kold Six Pack

Spring 1982 - One Kool Sensation

Spring 1983 - Three Kreamy Dreams
Theron Hightower

FALL 1984 - Two Twice As Nice & Kold As Ice

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